Review: Top Eight Essential Timeless Trends


Some trends deserve to be moved into the “never again” space in the closet we all have them but which trends refuse to go?

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The name Brazil comes from a tree named brazilwood.

It remains somewhat of a shiboleth that Brazil was ‘discovered’ by the Portuguese in the 1500’s because unlike many of the other Andean tribes Brazils indigenous people have left little evidence of their existence.

On the 22nd of May 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral led the colonisation of Brazil by the Portuguese. During the first century of occupation the major export was Brazilwood (Caesalpinia echinata) giving the country its name. However the Portuguese interest in the country was fairly slack which led to successive attempts by the French and Dutch to invade. The Dutch sacked Bahia in the 1600’s and successfully captured Salvador, they formally withdrew in 1661 after successfully occupying the Nordeste for about 30 years.


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Interestingly Brazil is one of only two countries among the ‘new worlds’ that housed an effective legal monarchical state (the other was Mexico), for a period of almost 90 years. Brazil’s capital city from 1808 to 1821, Rio de Janeiro, was the head of the Portuguese empire during that time. The monarchy was deposed on November 15, 1889 by a Republican military coup led by general Deodoro da Fonseca, who became the country’s first de facto president through military ascension. In 1985 the military regime peacefully ceded power to civilian rulers. Content adapted from Traveller’s Point.